Meet the Brains Behind Bloody FM

Our podcasters are the bloody, beating heart of our network. They create immersive, spine-chilling tales that take you from the depths of human depravity to the outer reaches of the universe. Or they might just gather around a microphone and discuss everything from pop culture to the paranormal.

From seasoned storytellers to fresh voices in the genre, each creator brings a unique perspective to the genre we know, love, and love to fear. Check your favorite creator’s page to discover all the shows they work on and where else to find them around the internet.

Meet the Brains Behind Bloody FM

Our podcasters are the bloody, beating heart of our network. They create immersive, spine-chilling tales that take you from the depths of human depravity to the outer reaches of the universe. Or they might just gather around a microphone and discuss everything from pop culture to the paranormal.

From seasoned storytellers to fresh voices in the genre, each creator brings a unique perspective to the genre we know, love, and love to fear. Check your favorite creator’s page to discover all the shows they work on and where else to find them around the internet.

Meet the Brains Behind Bloody FM

Our podcasters are the bloody, beating heart of our network. They create immersive, spine-chilling tales that take you from the depths of human depravity to the outer reaches of the universe. Or they might just gather around a microphone and discuss everything from pop culture to the paranormal.

From seasoned storytellers to fresh voices in the genre, each creator brings a unique perspective to the genre we know, love, and love to fear. Check your favorite creator’s page to discover all the shows they work on and where else to find them around the internet.


Discover the brilliant minds and voices behind the scares you love.

Chelsea Rebecca

Chelsea Rebecca

Christopher Feinstein profile picture

Christopher Feinstein

Colin Browen profile picture

Colin Browen

Courtney Browen profile picture

Courtney Browen

Podcaster Daisey McNamara

Daisey McNamara

Dan Caffrey profile picture.

Dave Wilkins

Dave Wilkins profile picture

Dave Wilkins

Freddy Nuti profile picture

Freddy Nuti

Hannah Wright profile picture.

Hannah Wright

Jack Austin profile picture

Jack Austin

Jay Krieger wears a Boba Fett ugly Christmas sweater in his profile picture

Jay Krieger

Pacific Obadiah

Pacific S. Obadiah

Pocaster Jenn Adams on BloodyFM

Jenn Adams

Jesse Wilkins profile picture

Jesse Wilkins

Jessica Stanton profile picture

Jessica Stanton

Joe Lipsett profile picture

Joe Lipsett

Jon Grilz from Creepy Podcast on BloodyFM

Jon Grilz

Julia Marchese profile picture

Julia Marchese

Kristen Anderson profile picture

Kristen Anderson

Lauren Shand's profile picture shows her smiling next to a taxidermied werewolf.

Lauren Shand

Podcaster Mae Shultz

Mae Shults

Mel's profile picture is a selfie in front of large shrub.


Michael Roffman profile picture

Michael Roffman

Neil Bolt profile picture

Neil Bolt

Prince Jackson profile photo

Prince Jackson

Rachel Reeves profile picture

Rachel Reeves

Rob Coakley profile picture

Rob Coakley

Robert Lamb profile picture

Robert M. Lamb

Sammie Kukendall holds a pumpkin in her profile picture.

Sammie Kuykendall

Shleby Novak Profile Picture

Shelby Novak

Sidney Resendes profile

Sidney Resendes

Suzanne Desrocher-Romero profile picture

Suzanne Desrocher-Romero

Tal Minear profile picture

Tal Minear

Tara Marie profile photo

Tara Marie

Trace Thurman profile picture

Trace Thurman

Trevor Henderson profile picture.

Trevor Henderson

Veronica California profile picture

Veronica California

Podcast host Will Rogers

Will Rogers

Zena Dixon's profile picture shows her standing next to the doll from Annabelle

Zena Dixon

Our Network

We are home to chart-topping immersive audio dramas, true crime, paranormal, film discussion podcasts and more.


Our network receives over 9 MILLION downloads each month, and includes multiple chart topping and award winning shows.